Dental Crowns
in Turkey

Explore Dental Crowns

Dental Crowns in Turkey

How many of us do you think struggling with dental problems?

Well, actually you do not have to think. Knowing that the answer is a lot is quite enough… Most of us having dental problems and the pain that comes with it can be unbearable. Although we think that we are taking care of our oral hygiene, our teeth and gum health; some diseases can occur because of different reasons such as things we eat, injuries or infections. Even, your teeth can get. deteriorated over time. 

At the end of the day, some people have to face the fact of losing their tooth or a couple of their teeth, in some cases. However, there is no reason to be intimidated about this. Dentistry has been developed so quickly so that you can even choose one option between several different dental treatments. Thanks to the innovations in dentistry, you can get dental implants, dentures, dental bridges and dental crowns to replace your decayed tooth. In this article, we are going to learn everything you need to know about dental crowns. Later, we will look at the options of having dental crowns in Turkey.

What are dental crowns?

If you have tooth decay or a lost tooth, you can choose to have dental crowns, with or without the dental implants. Some people even choose to have dental crowns to recover yellow teeth. That is quite understandable since nobody wants to have yellow teeth. Here, we can have some basic information for the question of what dental crowns are.

Dental crowns can be considered as small dental hats for your natural tooth. Before placing dental crowns, dentists reshape the natural tooth in order to place the dental crowns. Basically, your damaged tooth have a brand new look. Dental crowns, restores the shape, colour and the quality of your old tooth. It sticks and holds your natural tooth strongly so it is quite convenient and you do not have to worry about whether it will loosen over time or not.

What are the types of dental crowns?

If you are asking about are dental crowns standardised or what are the types of dental crowns, you should definitely keep reading! 

Due to the fact that there are billions of people around the world, you can guess that a single treatment can not work for everyone. Of course it is hard to cure every person with individual treatments. But at least there should be some other options. So, we can say that there are different types of dental crowns in case you would like to choose for your oral health. These are:

1- Metal dental crowns

Mental dental crowns are the strongest among the other types of dental crowns. They are quite resistant to chewing and biting. However, that metallic colour seems not natural so some dentists may choose to use metal dental crowns on teeth in the back of the mouth.

2- Porcelain dental crowns

Porcelain dental crowns are also durable but they are not so strong as metal dental crowns. Nevertheless, porcelain dental crowns are so popular because they give the best natural look.

3- Porcelain-fused to-metal dental crowns

Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns are made of metal dental crowns with the appearance of porcelain dental crowns. So they are strong as metal dental crowns and also complete your natural look perfectly!

However, the porcelain part of the dental crown may have a chance to be broken over time, unlike the metal part. This may be the disadvantage of having porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns.

4- Zirconia dental crowns

Zirconia dental crowns are the newer dental treatments. They are made of zirconium and they are stronger than porcelain. They are mostly good options for teeth. However, since they have more opaque colour, it will not generate natural look as porcelain dental crowns do.

5- E-max dental crowns

E-max dental crowns are made of lithium distillate glass. This is quite strong material but still they are less resistant than metal dental crowns. Nevertheless, their colour can imitate your natural teeth color so it is preferable to use them on the front teeth. 

As you can see, there are many types of dental crowns. If you are not sure about which dental crown type you should choose for you, you can easily contact us so that we can show you the best option!

What type of dental crown lasts the longest?

Since you have the options now, you may ask what type of dental crown lasts the longest. Because nobody wants to have this procedure more than once, you want it to be long-lasting. 

The types of dental crowns differ from one another, their costs and qualities are different. Some of them are cheaper but not so durable. Some of them are more popular nowadays. Eventually, everyone may have different preferences or different needs, you may contact us for the best option for your unique teeth.

What are the advantages of dental crowns?

There are many advantages to having dental crowns. Firstly, unlike dentures, they stick to your tooth firmly so it will make you feel they are natural. 

Dental crowns are durable and long-lasting. You will not have to worry about them unless there is an extreme situation. 

They protect and support your tooth which is broken, decayed or cracked. Reshaped teeth make you feel more confident when smiling. They also release the pain of the toothaches. 

Moreover, since dental crowns are made with durable materials, you will have white teeth forever! Your teeth will less likely to discolour over time. That is why many people choose to have dental crowns.

What are the disadvantages of dental crowns?

Dental crowns are good options for decayed teeth. However, there are also some disadvantages of dental crowns which you may want to consider. 

First of all, because they are strong and long-lasting, dental crowns can cost a little more than other dental treatments. We are aware that financial options for dental treatments are so distinctive, you should consider getting dental crowns in Turkey, which we will explain in further chapters. 

Another thing to consider is to choose a good dentist when having dental crowns. If your dental crown is not placed properly, it may create some problems later for your oral health such as fall off, loosening, sensitivity or allergic reaction..That is why you need to work with experienced dentists to refrain from further repairs. DentAngora is one of the best clinics with experienced and qualified dentists to have dental crowns in Turkey.

Is dental crown treatment painful?

Like other dental treatments, people may get scared from having dental crowns. We should keep that in mind that everyone has a different threshold of pain. Meaning that some people feel more pain while the others feel less. 

Nevertheless, we can say that like most dental procedures, your dentist will use anaesthesia before starting to place the crowns on top of your tooth. Thanks to the numbing process, you will mostly not feel during the procedure. It is likely for you to feel a little uncomfortable for a couple of days but this is completely normal. 

Here in DentAngora, your dentist will be with you during the whole process. We will help you to overcome the process of getting dental crowns with the least side effects. If you have more questions, you are always welcome to ask!

Does a crowned tooth require any special care?

Normally dental crowns do not need special care. What you need to do is protect your dental crown from extreme situations such as chewing ice, opening packages with your teeth or getting injured. Needless to say, these are the things that you should avoid from doing for your natural teeth as well. 

Another point is that you know that below your crown, your natural tooth is still there. You still need to protect your natural tooth from gum disease or decay. By doing regular oral health practices, you can avoid these kinds of diseases. It is crucial for you and for your dental crown to keep your teeth clean and healthy.

How much are a full set of crowns?

Now we will look at the costs of dental crowns. First of all, we can answer the question of how much are a full set of dental crowns. 

Some people choose to have dental crowns if their individual teeth is decayed, damaged or cracked. They want to replace their lost tooth. Beside that, some people may want to change all of their teeth. They want to have a new look and new smile! If you also want to have full set of dental crowns, you may be wondering about the costs of full set of dental crowns. 

Firstly, we need to indicate that the costs of full set of dental crowns are depend on the type of the crowns. For example, porcelain dental crowns are usually more expensive than the other ones. 

Another thing is to consider is the need of your teeth. For example if your teeth requires to have root canal treatment, the dental crowns that will be placed after canal treatment may cost more. 

Besides, the quality of the dental clinics affect the costs of full set of dental crowns. With that being said, we can claim that full set of dental crowns roughly ranges between $2000-$3000 generally.

How much is a dental crown in Turkey?

Having dental crowns in Turkey is relatively affordable. That is why most people go to Turkey to have dental crowns, dental implants, dental veneers and other dental treatments. The reason behind this is that Turkey has the best dental clinics in addition to affordable prices. 

As you already know that the prices of dental crowns varies according to the types of dental crowns, required treatment for your teeth and the clinic you choose. 

However, we would like to inform you about dental crowns in Turkey in many aspects. So, we can say that the costs of dental crown in Turkey usually range between $100-$300. 

If you could contact us, we will have a chance to offer you the best options that you deserve!

How long do crowns from Turkey last?

Now you get more comfortable about getting dental crowns, you may be wondering about how long do crowns from Turkey last? Since you will save your finances and take your time for this, you want them to be long-lasting. 

As we saw in the other chapters, the durability of the dental crowns is mostly depend on the type of the dental crowns. For instance, metal dental crowns last the longest. 

Your dental care is also effective when it is about longevity of dental crowns. If you take good care of your dental crowns, the chances of diseases and damages decrease. So take care of your teeth for a nice and healthy smile!

Overall, generally speaking, most dental crowns last 5-15 years. To get the best results, you need to choose the best option for your teeth by knowing their needs and keeping them clean.

Is there anything cheaper than a crown?

Although dental crowns are good options for teeth, some people may not afford having dental crowns. If you are asking about is there anything cheaper than a dental crown, we will try to find a solution for you. 

In spite of many advantages, you may still looking for alternatives of dental crowns. In below, you can see your other options: 

  1. Dental Onlays
  2. Dental Inlays
  3. Fillings
  4. Tooth extraction


Let’s look at them quickly. Dental onlays and dental inlays can be considered as partial dental crowns. For example if your tooth is cracked or broken, you dentist places them to protect the integrity of your tooth. 

Fillings are also an alternative to dental crowns as being cheaper and providing short term solution. They help you to restore your damaged teeth.

So far, we have learnt many things about dental crowns and having dental crowns in Turkey. If you have more questions that we could not think of, please contact us! We will accompany with you during the whole process!

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Root Canal Treatments

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