Dental Bridge
in Turkey

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Dental Bridge in Turkey

Dental bridges are one of the dental treatment methods applied to close the tooth gap caused by damaged or missing teeth. Dental bridge treatment is one of the most common treatments.

Dental bridge treatment eliminates health and aesthetic problems caused by missing teeth. Tooth loss can disrupt the anatomy of the face and jaw over time. In cases where there is more than one tooth loss, speech disorders may occur. For this reason, it is important to fill the gaps due to tooth loss. Dental bridge treatment is recommended to eliminate these problems.

What are dental bridges?

Dental bridges are cosmetic structures that replace one or more teeth. When a tooth gap occurs, it is placed between the two teeth located to the right and left of the missing tooth to close it. Bridge teeth are supported by other teeth, thus filling the missing tooth. Dental Bridge treatment is much more durable because it receives support from other teeth instead of a single tooth root. Dental bridges can be applied in a cosmetic procedure to improve your smile.

What are the benefits of dental bridges?

Dental bridges solve your problems by replacing your missing teeth with functional artificial teeth. When your jaw and face structure deteriorates due to missing teeth, dental bridges allow it to return to normal. In addition, dental bridges also relieve the discomfort you experience when biting things. Missing teeth may cause difficulty in chewing while eating or feel pain due to excessive load on other teeth. Thanks to dental bridges, you can get rid of chewing and pain complaints. Missing teeth can cause the anatomy of your jawbone to deteriorate and your face to sag. Dental bridge treatment improve the aesthetics of your smile and face.

Dental bridge treatment can fill multiple teeth simultaneously. Therefore, it is very advantageous for multiple tooth losses. It is also among the more affordable options than dental implants.

How is dental bridge treatment applied?

Before the dental bridge treatment, a general check-up is made by our dentists to the patient. Afterwards, a dental x-ray is taken in our dental clinic. As a result of the general check-up  and x-ray, our dentist checks the jaw structure of the patient and starts the dental bridge treatment by determining the number and location of the missing teeth. In dental bridge treatment, solid teeth located right next to the empty teeth will serve as abutment. Therefore, solid teeth are filed. Then, our dentist takes the size of the patient’s mouth and jaw and ensures that the most suitable prosthesis is made for the patient. Bridge dental prosthesis is prepared according to the patient’s tooth structure and tooth color. Our dentist checks the suitability of the prepared prosthesis by placing it in the patient’s mouth. All corrections and improvements are provided by our dentist until the patient’s absolute satisfaction is achieved.

Types of Dental Bridges

The below classification refers to how the dental bridge is placed in the mouth. Some dental bridges are supported by teeth on either side of a gap. Some are also supported by dental implants. In dental bridge treatment, our dentists examine the patient’s mouth, teeth, and jaw structure and select the most suitable one.

  • Implant supported
    • Implant-Based Dental Bridge
  • Teeth supported
    • Standard Dental Bridge
    • Cantilever Dental Bridge
    • Maryland Dental Bridge

Implant Supported Dental Bridge

Implant-Based Dental Bridge

Implant-supported dental bridges are generally preferred in cases where there is more than one tooth space side by side. In contrast to standard dental bridges, implant-based dental bridges do not require filing healthy teeth. Implant-based dental bridges require at least 2 surgeries. At first, the implants are placed in the jawbone. In the second, the bridge is placed over the implants. In case of multiple tooth loss, the missing teeth are filled with an implant dental bridge screwed to the jawbone. It has a more painful healing process than other dental bridge types. However, implant-based dental bridges are more stable, reliable, and long-lasting.

Teeth Supported Dental Bridge

Standard Dental Bridge

Standard dental bridges are preferred if you have natural teeth strong enough to support the bridge. Standard/ traditional dental bridges are the most common type of dental bridge. The intact teeth on the right and left of the missing teeth are filed, then used as a bridge foot/abut to the bridge. The standard dental bridge is attached to other abutment teeth using a special paste. Standard dental bridges are among the most commonly used dental bridges.

Cantilever Dental Bridge

The Cantilever dental bridge requires only one tooth as an abutment/bridge foot. The Cantilever dental bridge is a type of dental bridge used for narrow tooth spaces. Since it is supported by the patient’s natural tooth, it is among the teeth-supported dental bridges.

Maryland Dental Bridge

The Maryland Dental bridge is similar to standard dental bridges. However, Maryland dental bridges are attached to the abutment teeth without being filed. The dental bridge prepared to fill the teeth gap is adhered to the back of the two abutment teeth. Because of the attachment process with a special paste only, the durability of Maryland dental bridges is less than the others. Therefore, Maryland dental bridge treatment is less preferred.

What are dental bridges made of?

Artificial teeth in dental bridges can usually be made of metal, porcelain, or a combination of the two. The material from which the dental bridge will be made may vary according to the recommendation of our dentist and the preferences of our patient. The materials in dental bridges are not harmful to human health, they are all biocompatible materials. Metal and Porcelain dental bridges may have their own advantages.

Porcelain Dental Bridges

Porcelain in dental bridges is porcelain used medically. Therefore, medical porcelain is stronger than ordinary porcelain and the risk of side effects is minimal to your health. Porcelain dental bridges have an aesthetic advantage. It is very close to the tooth’s natural colour. It is very difficult to distinguish replacement porcelain teeth from your real teeth.

Metal Dental Bridges

Some of our patients prefer metal ones because metal material is more durable than porcelain. Metal crowns have a very low risk of breaking, but there is a chance of wear. Due to aesthetic concerns, most patients do not prefer metal dental bridges.

If you are having Implant-based dental bridge treatment, The implant fuses with the bone through metal screws.. These metal screws are made from solid titanium.

Is dental bridge treatment painful?

Dental bridge treatment is not a painful procedure. In particular, teeth-supported dental bridges do not cause pain as the treatment does not include the gums and nerves. During the filing of the teeth, our dentist will apply local anaesthesia to you. Thanks to local anaesthesia, you will not feel any pain except a slight numbness while your tooth is being filed. Anaesthesia is also applied during implant-supported dental bridge treatment. Therefore, you will not feel pain during the dental bridge treatment. However, it is normal to feel some pain after the effect of the anaesthesia wears off.

How long do dental bridges last?

Dental bridges can have different lifetimes depending on their type and caring. With proper care, a dental bridge can last a lifetime. Different factors determine the health and lifespan of your dental bridge. Metal dental bridges are better in terms of durability than porcelain ones. Dental bridges will keep you happy for a very long time, as long as you take care of them regularly and trust Dent Angora’s expert dentists.

To extend the life of your dental bridge, you can:

  • Oral hygiene is important for your dental bridge to last for years. Regular brushing, flossing, and mouthwash prevent harmful bacteria from damaging your dental bridge. Taking good care of your abutment teeth and cleaning around your bridge teeth is the most important post-treatment tip.
  • Although dental bridges are naturally durable, they should not be forced by very hard foods. Avoid biting hard and crusty foods. This prevents your dental bridge from cracking and straining.
  • If you have a teeth-grinding problem at night, this can put your dental bridge under strain. Our dentist can recommend a night mouthguard to protect your dental bridge.
  • Visit our dentists regularly. If there is something about your dental bridge that you are not aware of, our specialists can notice the situation and intervene early and prolong the life of your dental bridge.

Costs of Dental Bridge Treatment

The cost of dental bridge treatment depends on the type and material of the dental bridge you choose, and your dentist’s fees. However, teeth-supported dental bridges are generally less expensive than implant-supported ones. Or, metal dental bridges can also be less expensive than porcelain ones. Standard dental bridges can vary between 3 pounds to 5 pounds. Your insurance may cover the costs of dental bridge treatment, for non-aesthetic purposes. The cost of dental bridge treatment in Turkey is more affordable than in other countries. Our patients from many parts of Europe come to Turkey to improve their dental problems and for dental and oral aesthetics. The cost of dental bridge treatment in Turkey is much cheaper than in European countries. In addition, Dent Angora’s experienced dentists provide you with a professional service. When dental bridge costs and your satisfaction are combined, getting dental bridge treatment in Turkey is one of the best options.

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