Teeth Whitening
in Turkey

Explore Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

Have you noticed that your teeth have been a little yellow lately? Does this affect your self-confidence? Do you think a bright yellow smile will hurt your image on a private date or business meeting? Our smile affects our self-confidence, especially yellow and stained teeth make you feel bad. If you want to have white teeth like celebrities and regain your self-confidence, you can consider getting teeth whitening in Turkey. Smile and Holiday Clinic is the best place to come for professional teeth whitening in Turkey.

What is teeth whitening?

Daily brushing with ordinary toothpaste does not always remove stains and yellowness on the teeth. Stains on teeth often adhere to the enamel and dentin layers of the teeth, so removing yellowness and stains and teeth whitening is not possible at home. Despite the variety of products sold in the markets, it is necessary to get professional teeth whitening help.

Teeth whitening is performed by applying a tooth whitening gel to the enamel and dentin layers. Then, a whitening laser light is used to activate this whitening gel. Deep stains and yellowness are removed quietly safely, effectively and quickly. Teeth whitening gel can be defined as a scientifically formulated, pH-balanced hydrogen peroxide that gently penetrates the teeth. Therefore, the teeth whitening gel allows the removal of stains and yellowness, and does not cause any damage to the structure of the teeth.

Teeth Whitening is a procedure that must be applied by licensed dentists. Smile and Holiday’s specialist dentists offer you healthy and safe teeth whitening service. You can enjoy permanent and effective results with teeth whitening in Turkey. You will also experience Smile and Holiday’s professional teeth whitening experience. Smile and Holiday offers you to have the shine of your teeth and smile in one visit. You will see visible changes in a short time.

Who needs teeth whitening?

Teeth Whitening is recommended to anyone who is uncomfortable with yellow teeth. Your teeth may be slightly yellow in colour. No matter how much you brush, you may not be able to achieve the whiteness you desire. These yellow teeth are bothering you and you may want your teeth to look whiter.

Or you may want to have white teeth like those of celebrities and this may be important for your self-confidence. In addition, if you frequently consume coffee, tea and cigarettes, it can leave stains on your teeth. Therefore, your teeth may look yellower than normal and you may need teeth whitening.

Teeth whitening is a simple procedure that makes your teeth look beautiful and healthy for whatever reason. Teeth whitening in our clinic Smile and Holiday will add health and beauty to your teeth and gain your confidence.

Who should not get teeth whitening?

Although teeth whitening is a safe and fast process, it may not be suitable for some people. Be sure to listen to the warnings of our dentists before having teeth whitening. Some situations in which we do not recommend teeth whitening;

  • Children under 16
  • Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Individuals who have undergone treatments such as fillings and dental bridges
  • People with periodontal disease, dental caries, or exposed roots
  • Individuals who are allergic to whitening agents such as peroxide
  • People with sensitive teeth

Does teeth whitening damage your teeth?

Everyone wants a whiter, brighter smile. However, you may be worried about whether teeth whitening will harm your teeth and teeth enamel. As Smile and Holiday dentists, our answer to this question is “NO”. Teeth whitening is safe for tooth enamel. There may be sensitivity in the teeth for a few days immediately after teeth whitening. However, after a few days, this sensitivity improves. Over-the-counter and at-home teeth whitening products can irritate the soft tissues in your mouth if used incorrectly. However, this is not the case in Smile and Holiday’s professional dental clinics. Our dentists will give you the best service of teeth whitening.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Teeth whitening is not a permanent procedure. Permanence varies depending on the importance that the person gives to oral hygiene. The effects of teeth whitening can last up to 2-3 years if you take good care of them. Frequent consumption of foods and beverages that will stain your teeth will prevent you from maintaining your teeth whiteness. Dark-colored beverages such as coffee, wine, and tea, and smoking can cause your teeth to turn yellow in a short time. Disrupting your dental care will also cause losing your whiteness early. Brushing your teeth regularly, using mouthwash and flossing will ensure that the whiteness of your teeth is preserved for a long time.

Teeth Whitening in Turkey

Teeth whitening in Turkey is one of the best methods in the world for those who want a whiter smile in a short time. Professional teeth whitening provides better results compared to home teeth whitening products sold in the market. During professional teeth whitening, more whitening ingredients are applied compared to other home products. Teeth whitening in Turkey is professionally provided by dentists. Thanks to Smile and Holiday, you will see a noticeable difference in the colour of your teeth after your teeth whitening application in Turkey.

When you come to our dental clinic in Turkey, our dental specialists decide what will be the most effective process for you. In most cases, teeth whitening can be performed in a single 40-minute session. In our dental clinic in Turkey, we recommend teeth whitening procedures consisting of 2 sessions to get more permanent and years-long results for most of our patients. There should usually be 2 days between two Teeth Whitening sessions. In our dental clinic, our teeth whitening process is very easy and painless. Our dentists are experts in their fields and have countless experiences in teeth whitening.

If you have questions about registering for a teeth whitening in Turkey and about our dental clinic, contact us.

What is the cost of teeth whitening in Turkey?

Compared to other European countries, you may find Turkey’s teeth whitening costs affordable. Turkish dental clinics provide affordable teeth whitening operations and consultancy. The cost of teeth whitening in Turkey ranges from 100 pounds to 500 pounds. The cost of teeth whitening varies depending on the location, dental clinic and dentist you choose.

One of the most important advantages is cost of teeth whitening in Turkey. It is very advantageous compared to other European countries due to its high exchange rate. Moreover, despite its affordable price, the quality of teeth whitening service in Turkey is generally above the standards. Smile and Holiday’s dental clinics also use the latest technology to achieve the best results at an affordable price.

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