Root Canal Treatments
in Turkey

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Root Canal Treatments in Turkey

Root canal treatment is one of the most applied dental procedures in the world. Root canal treatment is a very simple procedure. However, Most people do not know what root canal treatment is and why it is needed, and therefore they are afraid of root canal treatment. When you come to the right dental clinic, you can see your treatment smoothly and easily and continue your life from where you left off. Smile and Holiday’s expert dentists have prepared everything you need to know about root canal treatment for you.

What Is a Root Canal?

Root canal refers to the space located in the middle of the internal structure of our teeth. Root canal is one in some of our teeth, but in others it may be more than one depending on the width of the tooth. There is a soft structure called ‘pulp’ inside the root canal. The pulp provides blood and nerve support to our teeth. Infection may occur in the pulp tissue due to tooth decay or another reason.

Why Is a Root Canal Treatment Required?

When the decay in our teeth is not treated in time, the bacteria move deep into the teeth and begin to damage the pulp. When the pulp is damaged, the infection can kill the pulp. Afterward, bacteria begin to multiply inside the root canal of our tooth. Bacteria in the root canal can cause problems such as inflammation of the dental nerves, severe toothache, or darkening of the tooth. When you experience these problems, you need to have root canal treatment. You can apply to Smile and Holiday’s expert dentists and technological dental clinics. Smile and Holiday Clinic is the best place to have root canal treatment in Turkey.

Some symptoms if you have Root Canal issues:

  • Pain or discomfort when chewing food
  • Sensitivity when consuming cold or hot drinks
  • Loose teeth
  • Swelling of the gums near the painful area
  • Pus
  • Darkening of the aching tooth

In root canal problems, the symptoms gradually increase. Infection gradually increases in the root canal, so you need to go to Smile and Holiday’s dentist as soon as possible. Smile and Holiday’s dentists professionally provide the treatment your teeth need, thanks to their numerous root canal treatment experience. Our dental clinics provide you with the most technological versions of all equipment for your satisfaction and health.

How Dent Angora Diagnosed Your Root Canal Issue ?

Smile and Holiday’s dentist listen to your complaints. Afterwards, our dentist can easily diagnose the problem by examining your tooth and the area around it. It displays the inflammation in the root canals with the latest technological dental x-ray of our dental clinic. Then, Our dentist will inform you about the diagnosis and treatment decision. Most of the time, cavities and gingival swellings in your teeth are enough for our dentist to decide on root canal treatment, but in Smile and Holiday Clinic, all treatments proceed meticulously.

What Happens in Root Canal Treatment?

In root canal treatment, the soft pulp and dental nerve in the space of the tooth called the root canal are removed. The inside of the tooth is cleaned of infection, and then the opened space is filled. Root canal treatments may require one or more clinic visits. Considering the efficiency of the treatment, it is decided by your dentist. Smile and Holiday’s dentists evaluate each case and process individually and recommend the most appropriate treatment course.

Root Canal treatment steps are as follows:

  • Our dentist uses local anesthesia to numb the area where the procedure will be performed.
  • A dental dam is placed around the tooth to keep the anesthetized area dry during treatment.
  • Our dentist will drill an access hole from the top of the tooth to the root canal.
  • Through this hole, harmful bacteria, rotten nerve tissue and dead pulp are removed.
  • When the cleaning process is finished, our dentist will even fill the tooth space with a biocompatible substance.

The process in root canal treatment works as above. However, your dentist may require drug treatment depending on the damage to your tooth. Medication may cause the treatment to take a little longer for your health. Depending on the stages of root canal treatment, Smile and Holiday’s expert dentists will offer the best advice for your teeth.

Are Root Canal Treatments Painful?

Root canal treatments are not extremely painful treatments, contrary to popular belief. Local anaesthesia makes the process easy and painless. Therefore, you will not feel pain during the drilling, cleaning and filling of the root canal. Apart from the slight numbness and strange feeling that the anaesthesia gives, our dentists will give you the best treatment.

After the Procedure

You may feel some pain when the effect of the local anaesthetic begins to wear off. If the pain becomes unbearable, be sure to contact your dentist at Smile and Holiday Clinic.

After root canal treatment, improvement in teeth is observed gradually. It will be healthy to inform your dentist regularly after root canal treatment. You can always contact our dentists.

Conditions you should pay attention to after treatment or between two treatment sessions:

  • Between two root canal treatment sessions, do not consume hard or crusty foods until the treatment is completely finished.
  • Continue your daily teeth cleaning without interruption. Brush your teeth gently twice a day.
  • To prevent infections after root canal treatment, use dental floss.
  • Between two sessions, do not consume sticky and sugary foods, especially if your tooth has been temporarily filled.
  • Use the medicines recommended by our dentist regularly during or after the treatment.

Is Root Canal Treatment Effective?

Root canal treatments are effective for your dental health. There is no need to worry, especially if your dentist is experienced and expert in cleaning and then filling the bacteria and infection in your teeth. If bacteria and infected tissue are not cleaned well, pain and infection may start again in the tooth. If a successful root canal treatment has been performed, the infection does not recur and can last for many years. At Smile and Holiday, our dentists are professionals specialised in root canal treatment. Our dental clinics have all the necessary equipment and technology for root canal treatment. Thanks to the opportunities offered by Smile and Holiday, you can have your root canal treatment done with peace of mind.

How to Prevent Root Canal Issue Again

After the root canal treatment process is successfully completed, you can visit your dentist for general check-ups only. Having a regular check-up every year has a preventive role both for the development of your root canal treatment and for other possible dental issues.

We recommend for your root canal treatment be effective for many years:

  • You should maintain your regular oral hygiene. Daily brushing, mouthwash and flossing are important for your dental and oral health. It will be even more important after Root Canal treatment.
  • Sugary and acidic foods have a negative effect on your oral and dental health. Reducing their consumption allows you to encounter fewer mouth and dental problems.
  • Cigarette consumption is more likely to develop root canal problems. Quitting smoking also reduces future risks.
  • Other ongoing oral and dental problems may affect the renewal of your root canal treatment. Therefore, you should not forget to visit your dentist at regular intervals.

Root Canal Treatment in Turkey

If you are looking for experience, professionalism and affordable fees in dentistry, you may want to consider dental procedures in Turkey. Every year, hundreds of patients request treatment from our dentists for root canal treatment. With each passing year, dental treatments in Turkey are becoming more and more popular.

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