Dental Implants
in Turkey

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Dental Implants in Turkey

Oral health is one of the most important things in our lives. However, we sometimes forget to take care of our teeth or just ignore. As a consequence, our teeth starts to decay and this is the part where dental implants run to the rescue. In this part, we’re gonna talk about the dental implants in Turkey, why would you need a dental implant, how painful is dental implant, the types of dental implants, options instead of dental implants, how long do dental implants take in Turkey, whether is it safe to have dental implants take in Turkey or not and the costs of dental implants in Turkey. 

Most people get dental implants these days and they seem quite grateful about it. The prevalence of dental implants is already well-known. Most people prefer to have dental implants because dental implants are comfortable, they look natural and they are long-lasting. But what about the dental implants in Turkey? Before we dig in to this question, let’s answer the question why would you need a dental implant first. 

What is a dental implant?

Since they are so popular and you may have heard of them before, you may still wonder what a dental implant is and how they work. In this part, we’re going to answer these questions. 

For whatever reason, if you lost your teeth, it is likely for you to feel a little blue. You have a hard time chewing your favourite dishes. You are afraid to smile or avoid talking confidently. This is the part where dental implants make you feel more confident. Okay but what are dental implants and how do dental implants work?

Dental implants are basically small titanium screws. In the procedure, the dental implant is placed directly to your jawbone. Your jawbone and the dental implant stick together firmly. They are considered as your natural tooth root. And then, the dental crown is placed on the dental implant. So when it is done, the only part you can see is the dental crowns which basically look like your natural tooth. They stick so strongly together so that they can last forever. It is the most convenient way to replace your lost tooth. 

Why would you need dental implants?

As it has already been mentioned, dental implants are great options for your missing tooth. After all, you are still confused about why you would need dental implants. Let’s look at that question.

We can start from the easiest answer. Injuries can cause severe irreversible teeth problems. If this is the case, you may need dental implants. Another reason it that you may lose your tooth because of lack of oral hygiene and care. Your tooth can start to deteriorate and your dentist may recommend you to get dental implants instead of your natural tooth. Some oral diseases can also cause tooth loss. Tooth decay gum diseases, plaque and tartar may affect your tooth health

What are the reasons for dental implants?

Let’s suppose you have a painful tooth problem and you went to see a dentist for your teeth. At the end of your medical exam, your dentist suggests that you need to have a dental implant for one of your teeth. At first, you think it’s going to be painful, and you want to abandon this dental treatment. However, you start to search about dental implants and you learn that they are actually quite effective, in addition to being common. Anyways, you can not stop thinking about the question of why would you need a dental implant?

We have already mentioned that dental implants are comfortable, natural and long-lasting. If you had to lose one of your teeth, dental implants will be one of the most convenient dental treatments for your dental health. 

First of all, dental implants look just as your natural teeth! If you have to replace a thing, you would want to replace it with its doppelganger, right? This is the same thing! With dental implants, you do now have to change it, you can use dental implants everytime, you can brush them as they can count as your natural teeth! 

Secondly, dental implant treatment is very durable. They can survive for a long time. You do not have to replace it with the new one constantly. Since they are durable, they support your teeth health so that you can have zero problem when chewing. This way, you can feel more comfortable about eating and smiling. And this, of course is going to help you with your self-confidence. Do not forget, when you feel comfortable about smiling, you’re gonna feel more confident!

How painful is dental implant?

Okay, now you decided to get dental implants and you are wondering how painful it is dental implants. Maybe you’re a little scared or almost give up. That is why we try to explain is it painful to get dental implants. 

Good news is, we are confident to say that you do not have to worry that much about getting dental implants. Although it seems scary, in most cases anaesthesia is used; locally or generally. You will experience a lack of feeling, thanks to the numb process. That means you will not feel pain as you normally do. 

It should also be noted that it is hard not to feel anything. Because eventually, you are taking medications and handling the procedure. You may feel a little discomfort with your teeth and mouth. This is completely normal. In this process, you need to remind yourself that these feelings will not last that long when you have dental implants.

How long does the pain last after a dental implant?

When people do not know what’s going on with a dental implant procedure, they may ask about how painful it is to get dental implants or how long the pain lasts after a dental implant. 

First of all, we need to say that these things may change from one person to another. One person may feel more discomfort than you. But, in most cases, the discomfort after dental implants last 2-3 days. Some people may feel the discomfort for up to 7 days but it usually gets less and less painful. 

What are the 3 types of dental implants?

So far, you have learnt many things about dental implants. But, are dental implants all the same? Are there any types of dental implants? If there are, what are the types of dental implants? 

Dental implants have 3 fundamental types which are endosteal implants, subperiosteal implants and zygomatic implants. Let’s look at these three types.

1- Endosteal Dental Implants:

This type of dental implants is the most common one. Most people get endosteal implants. In this type, the dentist opens the gum first to reach the jawbone. Then, the dentist opens a little hole in the bone and places the dental implant in this hole. When it has been placed, it takes time to heal. When it heals, the dental crown is placed on top of the dental implant.

2- Subperiosteal Dental Implants:

Subperiosteal dental implants do not require opening a hole to the jawbone. There is a frame to be placed on the jawbone and under the gum. When the gum heals, the dental implant gets stronger.

If you do not have enough jawbone for endosteal dental implants, this type will suit you better.

3- Zygomatic Dental Implants:

If you do not have enough jawbone for other types of dental implants, your dentist may recommend you to have zygomatic dental implants. In this type of dental implant, the implant is placed in your cheekbones, not jawbones. 

Since this type of dental implant requires complex surgical procedure, it is rare that dentists recommend it. The first two types of dental implants are more common.

How long do dental implants last?

Everyone is aware of that having health problems is not easy. It includes painful processes and maybe costs a lot of money. When you think about like that, you may be wondering is it worth having dental implants since you will have a process and pay money for everything. That is definitely understandable. 

However, we are trying to propose you the best solution. Dental implants may cost more money and take more time to heal, it is the best option to replace your lost tooth. You do not have to take it out, it is going to stick between your teeth and eventually, you will not feel as if it is there. More, they are so strong so that they can last forever. So, we can say that having dental implants is once in a lifetime for each lost tooth.

What are options instead of dental implants?

If you do not like the idea of having something in your mouth that will stay with you for a long time, you can ask what are options instead of dental implants. 

Although we said it is the most common and convenient way to replace your natural tooth, of course you have some other options rather than having dental implants. 


  1. Dentures: If you do not want to get dental implants, you can try partial or full-mouth dentures. These are used to replace your lost tooth by having the same colour of your natural tooth and natural gum. However, dentures sometimes make you feel uncomfortable when chewing. They also do not try to aim for recovery of your dental problems, it just acts like prosthesis tooth. 

  2. Dental Bridges: If you are looking for more long-lasting solution for your lost tooth, dental bridges are just for you. They can count as prothesis tooth, but they are fixed to your natural teeth. They act like bridges between your natural ones, as you can guess from the name. Since they are fixed, you will not worry about losing your bridge. And also,  you do not have to take them out for cleaning. You can feel more comfortable with bridges than with dentures. 

  3. Doing nothing: If you are okay with your teeth positions, you may choose not to do anything. It is up to you to have dental implants, getting dentures or having dental bridges. 

Is it safe to have dental implants in Turkey?

Now we can continue with our main subject, after the basic informations about dental implants: Is it safe to have dental implants in Turkey?

First of all, maybe you are aware of that many people come to Turkey for dental solutions. It is mostly because Turkey offers more affordable prices and has beautiful locations for holidays. If you are still wondering is it safe to have dental implants in Turkey, we can say that Turkey has many great options for dental cures. And yes, of course it is safe.  

In Smile and Holiday Clinic, we use the best equipments and our experienced dentists will be with you in all the processes. Do not hesitate to contact us for more information!

Why should I go to Turkey for dental implants?

Everyone hesitates about dental procedures like every step is going to hurt so much that you can not handle it. Well, of course it is not correct. In anyways, if you are going to spend your time for your dental health, why not turn this process into a warm nice holiday?

We have already mentioned that Turkey offers affordable prices with high-quality service. You can take your time for your dental treatment and your holiday with affordable prices. This is the best combination! 

To find more, you can continue to explore our website and you can always call or write to us.

How long do dental implants take in Turkey?

Now you may feel more comfortable about having dental implants in Turkey. But still, you may live abroad, how many days or weeks you should save for your time in Turkey? Most importantly, how long do dental implants take in Turkey?

We should first note that it may change to the implant type that you will have or your oral health and care may affect the process. For example, you may still have your tooth that needs to be extracted and than you will have your dental implants. In this example, it will take longer.  

Usually, it takes three visits for dental implants, meaning three days. However, after the implant is placed, you need to wait for a couple of weeks for your gum to heal. 

Costs of Dental Implants in Turkey

The costs of dental implants in Turkey is a challenging question because it changes from dental clinic to another one. It also changes from one patient to another. It will also depend on which type of dental implants will be placed. 

But approximately costs of dental implants in Turkey ranges between 500 – 1500. If you would like to learn more about the costs of dental implants in Turkey, contact us now! 

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